This annual competition, named in honor of the Vermont Philharmonic's founder, provides a scholarship grant and an exciting opportunity to perform as soloist with the orchestra.

The Jon Borowicz memorial scholarship is an opportunity for talented high school students to perform with a symphony orchestra, the Vermont Philharmonic, and to receive a $500 award.  The performance is included in the Philharmonic’s winter concert and normally consists of a single movement of a concerto or other significant work.  Performing with the orchestra can be an important step in the development of a career in music. Selection is by an audition at the Barre Opera House in November.




1. Applicant must be a high school student, a Vermont resident or a resident living in close proximity to the Vermont border.  The student must be participating in music activities in Vermont or in bordering towns, and may not be a former winner of the competition.


2. Applicant must audition for the judges at the Barre Opera House on Saturday, November 23, 2024, at the assigned time.  Please note that auditions this year will be held on Saturday rather than Sunday as they have been in the past.


3. Applicant shall prepare three pieces, of which at least one shall be a movement of a concerto or orchestral work with soloist, suitable for performance with a symphony orchestra.  He/she shall be asked to perform at least two of the pieces, one to be chosen by the applicant and one or more by the judges.  At least one piece should be played from memory. If students are auditioning with a prepared concerto, two of the movements can be used for two of the three piece requirement.  Students are encouraged to contact the Music Director regarding their audition selections.


4. Applicant must provide accompanist and, for the judges, three copies of the selections to be played.


5. To qualify for the $500 award, the winner must appear as soloist with the Vermont Philharmonic at their winter concerts in February, 2025.  The award shall be used to further the music education of the winner.


6. The judges reserve the right to award the full scholarship, to award only the monetary portion with no performance privilege or to make no award, if in their judgment, there is no adequately qualified candidate.  The judges’ decision will be final.  The Vermont Philharmonic reserves the right to cancel the competition if there is an insufficient number of applicants necessary to conduct a competitive audition and not award the scholarship that year.  


7.  Late applications may not be considered for an audition.          


8. Questions should be directed to Marta Cambra at 802-229-9218 or 802-233-5919.


9. Application must be submitted no later than November 9, 2024 to:  

Marta Cambra  (  or mailed to 1388 Crosstown Road  Berlin, VT 05602  


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